When you find yourself in the criminal justice system, you quickly learn that your legal matter is about much more than the charges that you face. Your freedom, family, and reputation could be at stake. Basically, your entire future is on the line. Even if you are able to successfully fight the charges, the process that you face to get to that point could consume your entire life. You want the help of a Troy criminal defense attorney.
Every criminal defendant has certain rights that are protected by the United States Constitution. You have the right to have your day in court. You are also protected from law enforcement overreach. Unfortunately, criminal defendants see their rights violated every day without someone to fight for them. Without legal help, you may not even know that it happened.
These are some of the practice areas where we can help you at the Law Offices of Bradley J. Friedman:
In any criminal case, the key is to get legal counsel early in the process. Generally, this is when law enforcement first tries to speak with you or indicates that you are a person of interest. So many things happen early in a case well before it goes to trial that can make or break your criminal offense. You have rights even when you have not yet been charged with a crime. Your criminal defense attorney would work to protect them.
One of the first things that you need is an attorney who sees you as more than just a case to make go away with a quick plea agreement. Your criminal defense lawyer should listen to you. This is what we do every day because we understand the anxiety and pressure that you feel. We listen to our clients’ stories and strive to assist them free of any judgment and with a commitment to with them at every step of the way.
Your attorney should know and understand what you are facing in life as a result of the charges and not just in the courtroom. We get to know the whole person and not just the file that we see in front of us. In other words, we care about your own unique situation because it influences the advice that we give you. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all legal advice in a criminal case. We will learn the facts of your case and lay out your legal options and a strategy for dealing with your case. When the time comes, we know how to fight for you.
The Law Offices of Bradley J. Friedman is always ready to help you no matter when or where. Contact us at any time to schedule your initial consultation. We are waiting for your call and could see you as soon as possible. We go the extra mile to start helping you when you need it the most.
From our office in Farmington Hills, we serve clients throughout the Detroit metropolitan area and beyond in Michigan.